
LXC AutoScale ML Documentation

LXC AutoScale ML is an advanced service that leverages machine learning to intelligently scale LXC containers based on detected anomalies in resource usage patterns. Using an Isolation Forest model, it identifies unusual spikes in CPU and memory usage, and automatically adjusts container resources to maintain optimal performance. The service offers extensive customization options, enabling fine-tuning of scaling behavior to suit specific needs.



LXC AutoScale ML is designed to provide automated scaling for LXC containers using machine learning techniques. The service detects anomalies in resource usage, such as unexpected spikes in CPU or memory consumption, and automatically adjusts the container’s resources to mitigate performance issues. By integrating an Isolation Forest model, LXC AutoScale ML can differentiate between normal and abnormal usage patterns, allowing for more intelligent and responsive scaling decisions.

See LXC AutoScale ML in action:

2024-08-20 13:07:56,393 [INFO] Data loaded successfully from /var/log/lxc_metrics.json.
2024-08-20 13:07:56,399 [INFO] Data preprocessed successfully.
2024-08-20 13:07:56,416 [INFO] Feature engineering, spike detection, and trend detection completed.
2024-08-20 13:07:56,417 [INFO] Features used for training: ['cpu_memory_ratio', 'cpu_per_process', 'cpu_trend', 'cpu_usage_percent', 'filesystem_free_gb', 'filesystem_total_gb', 'filesystem_usage_gb', 'io_reads', 'io_writes', 'max_cpu', 'max_memory', 'memory_per_process', 'memory_trend', 'memory_usage_mb', 'min_cpu', 'min_memory', 'network_rx_bytes', 'network_tx_bytes', 'process_count', 'rolling_mean_cpu', 'rolling_mean_memory', 'rolling_std_cpu', 'rolling_std_memory', 'swap_total_mb', 'swap_usage_mb', 'time_diff']
2024-08-20 13:07:56,549 [INFO] IsolationForest model training completed.
2024-08-20 13:07:56,549 [INFO] Processing containers for scaling decisions...
2024-08-20 13:07:56,600 [INFO] Applying scaling actions for container 104: CPU - Scale Up, RAM - Scale Up | Confidence: 87.41%
2024-08-20 13:07:57,257 [INFO] Successfully scaled CPU for LXC ID 104 to 4 CPU units.
2024-08-20 13:07:57,916 [INFO] Successfully scaled RAM for LXC ID 104 to 8192 RAM units.
2024-08-20 13:07:57,916 [INFO] Sleeping for 60 seconds before the next run.


LXC AutoScale ML offers a suite of powerful features designed to enhance the management and performance of LXC containers:


The lxc_autoscale_ml.yaml configuration file allows you to customize various aspects of the LXC AutoScale ML service. Below is an example configuration file with explanations:

# Logging Configuration
log_file: "/var/log/lxc_autoscale_ml.log"  # Path to the log file
log_level: "DEBUG"  # Logging level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)

# Lock File Configuration
lock_file: "/tmp/lxc_autoscale_ml.lock"  # Path to the lock file to prevent multiple instances

# Data File Configuration
data_file: "/var/log/lxc_metrics.json"  # Path to the metrics file containing container data produced by LXC AutoScale API

# Model Configuration
  contamination: 0.05  # Contamination level for IsolationForest (fraction of outliers)
  n_estimators: 100  # Number of trees in IsolationForest
  max_samples: 64  # Number of samples to draw for training each tree
  random_state: 42  # Random seed for reproducibility

# Spike Detection Configuration
  spike_threshold: 2  # Number of standard deviations for spike detection
  rolling_window: 5  # Window size for rolling mean and standard deviation

# Scaling Configuration
  total_cores: 4  # Total number of CPU cores available on the server
  total_ram_mb: 16384  # Total RAM available on the server in MB
  target_cpu_load_percent: 50  # Target CPU load percentage after scaling
  max_cpu_cores: 4  # Maximum number of CPU cores to maintain per container
  max_ram_mb: 8192  # Maximum RAM to maintain per container in MB
  min_cpu_cores: 2  # Minimum number of CPU cores to maintain per container
  min_ram_mb: 1024  # Minimum RAM to maintain per container in MB
  cpu_scale_up_threshold: 75  # CPU usage percentage to trigger scale-up
  cpu_scale_down_threshold: 30  # CPU usage percentage to trigger scale-down
  ram_scale_up_threshold: 75  # RAM usage percentage to trigger scale-up
  ram_scale_down_threshold: 30  # RAM usage percentage to trigger scale-down
  ram_chunk_size: 50  # Minimum RAM scaling chunk size in MB
  ram_upper_limit: 1024  # Maximum RAM scaling limit in one step in MB
  dry_run: false  # If true, perform a dry run without making actual API calls

# API Configuration
  api_url: ""  # Base URL for the API used for scaling actions
  cores_endpoint: "/scale/cores"  # Endpoint for scaling CPU cores
  ram_endpoint: "/scale/ram"  # Endpoint for scaling RAM

# Retry Logic for API Calls
  max_retries: 3  # Maximum number of retries for API calls
  retry_delay: 2  # Delay between retries in seconds

# Interval Configuration
interval_seconds: 60  # Time interval between consecutive script runs in seconds

# Feature Engineering Configuration
  include_io_activity: true  # Include IO activity as a feature in the model
  include_network_activity: true  # Include network activity as a feature in the model

# Prediction Configuration
  use_latest_only: true  # If true, use only the latest data point for prediction
  include_rolling_features: true  # Include rolling mean and std features for prediction

# Ignored Containers
  - "101"  # List of container IDs to ignore from scaling
  - "102"


LXC AutoScale ML offers flexibility in how it operates, with various command-line arguments available to customize its behavior.

Command-Line Arguments

The service can be run with several command-line arguments, allowing you to adjust its operation without modifying the configuration file:

Starting the Service

Once installed, the LXC AutoScale ML service should start automatically. However, you can manage the service manually using the following commands:

These commands allow you to control the service, ensuring it is running smoothly and making scaling decisions as expected.

Logging and Outputs

LXC AutoScale ML provides detailed logs and outputs to help you monitor its operation and scaling decisions.


Scaling Suggestions

Example JSON entry:

  "timestamp": "2024-08-14T22:04:45Z",
  "container_id": "101",
  "cpu_action": "increase",
  "cpu_amount": 1,
  "ram_action": "increase",
  "ram_amount": 512,
  "confidence": 87.41,
  "reason": "Anomaly detected in CPU and memory usage"

This example shows a suggested action to increase CPU and RAM for a specific container due to detected anomalies, along with the confidence score.

Error Handling

LXC AutoScale ML is designed with robust error handling to ensure continuous operation even when issues arise. The service logs any encountered errors, providing detailed information for troubleshooting. If a problem occurs during data loading, model training, or scaling actions, the service will attempt to continue running while logging the error for later review.


If an error occurs while loading data, the service will log the issue but will continue to monitor other containers. This approach ensures that a single failure does not disrupt the entire service.


The autoscaling logic in this application is designed to dynamically adjust the CPU and RAM resources allocated to each container based on real-time metrics and the detection of anomalous behavior. This section is critical for ensuring that containers operate efficiently, without under-provisioning (which could lead to performance issues) or over-provisioning (which would waste resources).

Key Components of Autoscaling:

  1. Metrics Monitoring:
    • The autoscaling system continuously monitors various performance metrics of each container. These metrics include CPU usage percentage, memory usage in megabytes (MB), and possibly other custom metrics like cpu_memory_ratio or io_ops_per_second.
    • The metrics data is collected in near real-time and is used both for anomaly detection and for making scaling decisions.
  2. Anomaly Detection Trigger:
    • The first line of decision-making in the autoscaling logic is anomaly detection. By identifying unusual patterns in container behavior, the system can preemptively scale resources before standard thresholds (like CPU or RAM usage) are breached.
    • If an anomaly is detected (based on the model’s prediction), the system may trigger an immediate scale-up action, as this often indicates an unexpected spike in demand or a potential fault condition.
  3. Threshold-Based Scaling:
    • In addition to anomaly detection, the system uses predefined thresholds to determine when to scale resources.
      • CPU Scaling: If CPU usage exceeds a specified upper threshold (cpu_scale_up_threshold), the system decides to scale up CPU resources. Conversely, if usage falls below a lower threshold (cpu_scale_down_threshold), it considers scaling down the CPU.
      • RAM Scaling: Similarly, if memory usage exceeds the upper threshold (ram_scale_up_threshold), RAM resources are scaled up. If usage is below the lower threshold (ram_scale_down_threshold), the system considers scaling down the RAM.
    • These thresholds are configurable, allowing users to tailor the scaling behavior to their specific workload requirements.
  4. Action Determination:
    • The scaling decision is refined by ensuring that any scaling actions are within the allowed resource limits.
      • Scaling Up: When scaling up, the system checks that the new resource allocation does not exceed the maximum limits specified (max_cpu_cores for CPU and max_ram_mb for RAM).
      • Scaling Down: When scaling down, the system ensures that resources do not drop below the minimum limits (min_cpu_cores for CPU and min_ram_mb for RAM).
    • The final decision is whether to “Scale Up”, “Scale Down”, or take “No Scaling” action.
  5. Scaling Execution:
    • Once a decision is made, the system sends requests to adjust the container’s resources. This is done through API calls to an external system or service that manages the containers.
    • The system includes a retry mechanism to handle transient errors in the API requests, ensuring that scaling actions are reliable.

Considerations for Effective Autoscaling:

The model

The application leverages an Isolation Forest model, which is a machine learning algorithm specifically designed for anomaly detection. The model is a crucial component of the autoscaling system, as it helps identify when a container’s behavior deviates from the norm, potentially indicating the need for scaling.

Key Aspects of the Model:

  1. Feature Selection:
    • The model only uses numerical features from the dataset, excluding identifiers like container_id and timestamp. This ensures that the model focuses solely on the metrics that influence container performance, such as CPU and memory usage.
    • Users should be aware that the choice of features can significantly impact the model’s effectiveness. Including too many irrelevant features could lead to overfitting, while omitting critical metrics might reduce the model’s ability to detect anomalies.
  2. Isolation Forest Overview:
    • Isolation Forest is an ensemble-based algorithm that isolates observations by randomly selecting a feature and then randomly selecting a split value between the maximum and minimum values of the selected feature. The idea is that anomalies are few and different, so they are easier to isolate.
    • The model works by constructing multiple decision trees and calculating the path length of each observation. Shorter paths correspond to anomalies, as they are easier to isolate.
  3. Configurable Parameters:
    • Contamination (contamination): This parameter sets the expected proportion of anomalies in the dataset. A lower contamination level makes the model more conservative (i.e., it will classify fewer points as anomalies). Users should adjust this based on the expected frequency of anomalies in their system.
    • Number of Trees (n_estimators): This parameter controls how many trees are built in the ensemble. More trees generally improve the model’s robustness but also increase computational cost.
    • Max Samples (max_samples): This parameter limits the number of samples to draw from the dataset to train each tree. It helps in controlling overfitting and can be set based on the size of the dataset.
    • Random State (random_state): This is a seed for the random number generator to ensure reproducibility of the model’s results. It’s particularly useful in a production environment where consistency between runs is important.
  4. Pipeline Integration:
    • The model is integrated into a pipeline that includes a StandardScaler for data normalization. This step ensures that all features contribute equally to the model by scaling them to have zero mean and unit variance.
    • The pipeline approach allows for seamless integration of preprocessing steps and the model, making it easier to manage and extend the model in the future.
  5. Anomaly Prediction:
    • During prediction, the model generates an anomaly score for each container based on the latest metrics. This score is then converted into a confidence level, which represents the certainty that a container is behaving anomalously.
    • A high confidence level indicates that the container’s behavior is significantly different from the norm, prompting the autoscaling logic to potentially increase resources.
  6. Scalability and Efficiency:
    • The model is designed to be efficient, even with a large number of containers. The use of a limited number of samples (max_samples) and decision trees (n_estimators) ensures that the model can make predictions in real-time without significant computational overhead.

Considerations for Effective Model Use:

By understanding and configuring these aspects, users can ensure that the autoscaling logic and anomaly detection model work effectively to maintain the optimal performance of their containers. Proper tuning and monitoring of the model and scaling logic will help in achieving a balanced system that adapts dynamically to changing workloads.

Best Practices and Tips

1. Regularly Review Logs

Reviewing logs regularly is crucial for understanding how LXC AutoScale ML is performing and identifying any potential issues. The logs provide insights into the decisions made by the service, allowing you to fine-tune its behavior.

2. Fine-Tune the Model Parameters

Adjusting the Isolation Forest model parameters, such as contamination, n_estimators, and max_samples, can significantly impact the model’s performance. Experiment with different settings to find the best fit for your environment.

3. Use Dry-Run Mode for Testing

When making significant configuration changes, use the --dry-run option to test the service without affecting live containers. This allows you to verify that the service behaves as expected before applying changes.

4. Balance Smoothing and Responsiveness

The smoothing-factor parameter helps balance quick responses to changes in resource usage and more gradual adjustments. Fine-tuning this parameter ensures that your containers are scaled efficiently without overreacting to temporary spikes.

5. Monitor Disk Space for Logs and Model Files

Ensure that the system has sufficient disk space for storing logs and the trained model file. Regularly check the size of these files and consider rotating logs if they grow too large.